Greetings and welcome are bid to all Bards, Troubadors, Trouveres,
Minstrels, Minnesingers, Jongleurs, Singers, Storytellers, Poets, Scops,
Skalds, Fillids, Olaves, Griots, Wordsmiths, and friends of these arts.

The Shire of Inner Sea presents:
        A Festival of Voices:
(Northshield Bardic Madness VIII)
March 14, 1998 * St. Paul's Episcopal Church
1710 East Superior Street * Duluth, MN 55812

* Hall Hours: 8am-10pm Saturday * Site Fee: $3
* Lunch $2 * Feast: $5 ($6 after 3/1)
* Checks payable to SCA-Inner Sea
* Send Reservations to Hallwarden * No BYOB
* Revels Friday and Saturday evening -- 
  check seneschal flyer or web site for directions.

Hallwarden (Site Steward) [SEND RESERVATIONS HERE]:
Lady Felicia de Montcada (Trudy North)
	(218) 722-1820.
	P.O. Box 16504 		Duluth MN 55816-0504

Hostelier (Places to Stay/Hotel Information):
Lady Aldiana {Lori Martell}
	(218) 729-7606
        4683 Hanson Road	Duluth, MN  55811-9609

Provost (Challenges, Classes):
Lord Owen Alun {Ben Tucker}
  	(612) 872-2201
  	2111 - 11th Ave. So. 	Minneapolis, MN 55404-2906

Kitchener (Dietary Questions only, send reservations to
Lord Gevehard von Baden {Garret Bitker}
	(218) 389-6372

Merchant Space: 
Lady Tarja {Gayle Bitker}

Please use modern names for mail & BARDIC MADNESS as subject in email

Directions to the Saturday Event Site:
Find your best route to Duluth.
From the South:  come into Duluth on I-35, past Downtown.  
Take the 21st Ave East exit.  Head up the hill to the Superior Street
intersection and take a left. Go 3-1/2 blocks.  Church on left.
From the North:  Come into Duluth via Hwy 61.  Follow Hwy 61 (London Road)
to the 21st Ave East intersection and follow above directions.

Detailed schedule and challenge list in Event Flyer and on web at:

7pm Evening Revel site TBA

        (Please note that times are approximate, they will change based on
        the number of entries in the challenges).

8:00am		Site Opens
9:30am          Fyt the First
11:00am         First Class Period
11:45am         Fyt the Second & Lunch
1:15pm          Second Class Period
2:00pm          Fyt the Third
3:30pm          Northshield Bardic College Officer Elections
4:00pm          Fyt the Fourth
5:30pm		Principality Moot
6:30pm          Feast (and Fyt the Fifth)
8:30pm		Court
10:00pm		Site Closes

The Challenges issued for Bardic Madness VIII:

Fyt the First (First Challenge Period)

Quod Libet--Given a list of three topics and two tunes, use two topics and
        one tune to compose at least two verses and a chorus.

Fixed Form -- compose an original poem using any period style fixed form
	(sonnett, sestina, awdl, drottkvaett are some examples). Use a
	form that you have seldom or never used before.  Make the sense
	and usage as close to period examples as you can. Perform your
	orignal piece and a documentable to period complementary piece in
	the same form. 

Marching Songs -- Compose/perform an original song for the Northshield

Fyt the Second (Second Challenge Period)

Ensemble (any size)--Bring a group of singers/storytellers/poetic chorus,
        etc. to perform a piece.  Emphasis should focus on how having more
        than one person performing enriches the narrative thrust and
        richness of the piece.

Sayings of the Wise  -- compose/perform a triad or piece of gnomic verse
	in the style of any period culture.  Examples are Welsh triads and
	Anglo-Saxon gnomic verse but equivalents from other cultures are

What is a Hero? -- Answer the question in story, song, or poem, citing
	period and/or current middle ages examples.

Fyt the Third (Third Challenge Period)

Work in a Foreign Language--perform a (period or period-style original)
        piece in a foreign language.  Emphasis is on the ability to
        "translate through performance" (i.e. while maintaining persona).

Traditional Tale -- tell a tale your persona would have heard as a child.

Short and Sweet -- compose/perform a piece in any style whatever on any
	topic related to period or the SCA which is less than 90 seconds

Fyt the Fourth (Fourth Challenge Period)

The Peaceful Arts -- compose/perform a story, song, or poem about the
	Non-Martial activities of period and/or the SCA.

New Work in Period Style --Compose and Perform a new original work, or a
        part of one, that is as close to period style as you can make it.

Stir Fry -- given a list of words, do something "artistic" with them.

Feast and Final Fyt

Bard Scribe Illuminator--Given a subject in the morning, compose,
        calligraph, and illuminate a text on that subject.  This may be
        done individually or as a team.
Performance of a Period Work --Perform a "documentable to period" piece of
        music, song, poetry or prose reading. Emphasis here is on the
        sheer "wow"  factor of the performance and piece.
Norse Saga -- compose/perform a poem, song, or story about an episode in
	one of the Sagas.

Special recognition shall be given for:

* Pentathlon: for those driven to excess, enter five of the above
        categories and amaze your friends.
* Decathlon: You know who you are.

Challenge general rules:

* Challenges are not contests. You win by entering and striving to do the
        best you can.
* Challenges are designed to encourage you to try your hand at something
        new, to stretch yourself, to enjoy and to celebrate the creative
* Read the guidelines for the challenges carefully, like most exercises,
        they are designed to help you develop in specific areas. Try to
        follow them as closely as you can.
* Individuals are welcome and encouraged to give recognition to those
        performers whom they especially enjoy.

* In order to allow the largest number of people to participate, challenge
        entries shall be limited to five minutes or less. Each person may
        enter a maximum of one piece in each challenge and a maximum of 10

Classes are still being scheduled.
If you would like to teach a class, please contact the Provost.


Lunch menu:
Rota (Barley Fruit Soup)
Bread(French, Rye, Wheat)
Cheese several seasonal types

Feast menu:
German Remove
Sauerbraten(marinated beef)
Glazed carrots

Middle East Remove
Raihaniya (lamb kabobs)
Zabarbada(cheese herb dish)

French remove
Saumon Rosted (broiled salmon steaks)
Daguenet peas
Princess Delit

On Table

For those of an AGE of Majority, one fermented beverage will be offered
with each remove- courtesy of the Inner Sea Brewing and Vintning Guild.

Hotel and lodging info:

Best Western Edgewater Motel East & West
10-15 room block held until 2-13 mention you are with the SCA
Rooms:  $59-75
2400 London Road
2211 London Road
Duluth, MN

Buena Vista Motel
Mention you are with the SCA for possible discount
Rooms:  $45-65
1144 Mesaba Avenue
Duluth, MN

Fitger's Inn
Rooms:  $75-95 regular rooms  $135-215 deluxe suites
600 East Superior Street
Duluth, MN

Holiday Inn
Rooms:  standard $79 1-4 adults
20 rooms set aside until 2-13. Mention you are with the SCA
200 West 1st Street
Duluth, MN

Motel 6
Rooms: $41.99 based on 4 people per room
200 27th Avenue West
Duluth, MN

A Return to Victorian Duluth B&B
Rooms:  $85-135
1615 East Superior Street

Manor on the Creek B&B
Rooms:  $109-199
2215 East 2nd Street
Duluth, MN

The Mansion B&B
English Tudor atmosphere
Rooms:  $105-205 
3600 London Road
Duluth, MN

Mathews Burrows 1890 Inn B&B
Rooms:  $85-165
1632 East 1st Street
Duluth, MN

Olcott House B&B
Rooms:  $85-135
2316 East 1st Street
Duluth, MN